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Recycling Week

When: Back to Calendar April 14, 2025 – April 18, 2025 (all-day)
Repeats: Monthly on 2nd Monday - forever
Chartiers Township Recycling 2.0
Hello everyone. We have reviewed our January Recycling Collection schedule and volumes and for February we are going to plan on collecting throughout the week to make the collection more manageable. We will be collecting recyclables from Monday, February 10th – Friday, February 14th. We have created a map and street listing to help make it clear what day we will be collecting in what area. Thank you for your patience and we work through this new service we are self-performing.
We verified with the recycling provider absolutely NO PLASTIC BAGS. We will not pick up any recyclables in plastic bags. Also, if you are using different or additional receptacles, please make sure they are clearly marked "RECYCLING" as we don't know if it may be your trash day. Thank you again for your assistance, cooperation and patience








Beginning in January, Chartiers Township will be self-performing our community’s residential curbside recycling.  We will still be collecting recyclables beginning the Second Monday of each month and carrying on until we can collect the entire Township.   We will be starting on Monday, January 13th  and continuing through the Township.  We ask for everyone’s patience as we begin providing this service and learn and establish how long it will take to work through the residential areas of the Township.  We are anticipating 2 days, but please understand that until we work through the process a few months, there will be delays and it may take longer than expected.  We will do our best to meet the 2 day schedule on the map provided, but until we actually perform the tasks, we just don’t know if that is feasible.  To start, anticipate that if you are West of the high school/Arnold Park, plan for Monday, if you are East of the high school/Arnold Park plan for Tuesday. Additionally, since safety and clearing the roads are our Public Works Department’s first priority, if we have snow event, collection will be delayed that week while they tend to the roads. We will try to update residents as our schedule becomes clearer.   

Generally, the recycling rules have stayed the same, but as a refresher here are some core concepts: 

  • Recyclables must be in a clearly marked “RECYCLE” receptacle.  It does not have to be the Township standard bin, but it must be marked.
  • Recyclables in plastic / garbage bags will NOT be picked up. NO PLASTIC BAGS in the bin or containing recyclables.
  • All recyclables can be in the same container
  • Keep liquid and food out of your recyclables/ recycling container
  • The following are accepted recyclables:



    • Plastic Bottles and Containers
    • Paper
    • Glass Bottles and Containers
    • Flattened Cardboard and Paper
    • Food and Beverage Cans
  • For more information on what to recycle, please visit Recycle Right- Recycling Guide
  • Please see the attached flyer for some general recycling information

Thank you for your patience and understanding as the Township forces take on this service to provide you continued service at a savings to our taxpayers.


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